Wednesday, August 6, 2008

xoxo chicago

yes the rumors are true. gingerfoxxx has to leave the city for a little while. not to worry however, she will be back frequently, and her amazing ginger chronicles shouldnt suffer. they might suffer a little over the next two days because i will be in transit, and i have a wicked cold from toooo much fun, so i need a little time to rest.

fear not, i will be back with a vengeance

a balls to the wall ginger extravaganza.

for the time being i leave you with this! (even though i am leaving by car and not plane)

xoxo my beautiful city


Maya said...

We will miss you. What will Chicago do with our our favorite ginger.

Unknown said...

I'll fill in!

Erika said...

GD!!! yer hawt.