Thursday, August 21, 2008

gingerfoxxx sightings!

gingerfoxxx was spotted hitting the clubs this past weekend with some of her girlfriends for a bachleaorette party. she was first spotted at bar chicago fighting with the door man. i cant help it if i only get more beautiful everyday and look way hotter in person that i do on my ID. whatevs, dont keep a girl down for looking ginger-fabulous.

*that guy was such a douche. if you happen to ever be walking by that place, feel free to spit on the door men in the name of gingerfoxxx!

She did however get in without paying a cover! (being ginger will get you everywhere; its like the american express of hair colors!) She then proceeded to dance on bars with midgets and create an environment of general anarchy. We visited another club after that, but i'll be damned if we stayed their long, because the music and boys were just not hot enough. We ended the night at Mothers, where we encountered a group of tall single boys to buy us drinks and entertain us until the wee hours of the morning. We even got to see a chicago sunrise as we all walked home. how romantic! how gingerfab!


while gingerfoxxx in no way endorses or condones the act of marriage, she only wished the best for tammy and her amazing ability to love and commit. I cant even commit to a pair of shoes. you are truly gingerfab.

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