Saturday, February 21, 2009


Bitches and hangovers?

ok, so i finally manned up and am rearing my sorry ass in the blogoshpere.  its been a while, and i have no excuse.  But i am back and vow to be better!  I have lots to discuss, but i am currently in my beautifully sour home Chicago, and about to meet some old friends for drinks, so i will just give a brief update for now, and share more stories later!

some updates!

*  I officially changed valentines day to zombie day.  Why celebrate mass-produced commercialized synthetic romance when you can celebrate ZOMBIES!  my idea is solid, but i need a few more people on board.  Next year, hopefully i will have a zombie day party and really kick things up a notch.

*  I got to go to a no-kill animal shelter on zombie day and play with puppies.  Every day my icy exterior seems to melting a little more, like glaciers during the bush reign of terror (zing!)  soon you will find me blogging about rainbows and happy little trees.  puke.  god puppies are adorable though.

* I joined the roller derby.  seriously.  tequila mockingbird could soon be storming a city near you.  I also ordered a hot pink helmet and i am so wicked excited about it.  fabulousness!

* I have yet to see the new friday the 13th movie.  somebody better take me soon, dammit.  

* I discovered the blog ""  Its so hilarious it brings me to tears.  example:
Today, I got my license renewed and the woman behind the desk looked at me and said "guess we need to update the weight, huh?". FML.  there are hundreds upon hundreds of these.  they are undeniably hilarious.

* i bought a used copy of "love in the time of cholera"  today at a bookstore.  i am shameless.  where the hell is john cusack during this shit?

ok,  I will have much more to discuss after a night of drinking and hopefully dancing.  don't give up on me, its hard to be this fabulous.

xoxo, marie the gingerfoxxx

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Isla Fisher

I have no intention of seeing your movie, confessions of a fact, the thought makes me cringe.  But despite your poor role choice, you are one fabulous looking ginger!!

Monday, February 9, 2009

so awesome. can you believe how prego she is? its scary! and if that is how big out get with one baby, can you imagine 8???

Friday, February 6, 2009


I have no words.

ginger done wrong.  terribly terribly wrong.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Valentines day gift idea's for those you love.

Screw flowers, candy, or jewelry. Nothing says "i love you" like gruesome and macabre stuffed animals.

having nightmares for weeks is the new romance.

These are on a russian website....
does anyone speak russian?

Throw in some slasher flicks and maybe a bauhaus cd and you are sure to give her the most memorable valentines day ever.  So memorable, she will see it in her sleep.  every night.  as she wakes up screaming.

*sigh*  love.....

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

ATTN: hipsters.

handlebar mustache?


Its like you guys aren't even trying anymore!  And girls are supposed to be attracted by this?  Case in point.  While at the bottom lounge  saturday night the bar was over run by guys in tight plaid shirts drinking PBR's and sporting HANDLEBAR MUSTACHES!  When did this happen, and why am i the only one trying to stop it?

Just because John Travolta does it does NOT make it ok!

This is almost (ALMOST) as bad as the freaking super tight, super low v-neck shirts that were all the rage this past summer.  Cute on girls, not so much on guys.....

yikes.  thats where cleavage is supposed to go, not chest hair.

As far as dating goes, hipsters are out, cowboys are now in.



roller derby!!!

Congrats to the Manic Attackers with their shocking win!

The roller derby was fabulous, and gingerfoxxx is in total agreeance that blood IS the new pink.  In fact, she has even dubbed herself a roller derby name: Tequila Mockingbird. I will sooo be trying out next season.  Plus, there is something impressive about looking fabulous in kneepads and helmets.  You would think its impossible, but if you go to one of the windy city rollers games this year, you will be impressed!

Check out all about the all women roller derby for schedule, players, and other cool stuff!
Talk derby to me
They also have flamboyant male cheerleaders that perform at half time.  Check out the spandex booty shorts and the sweet moves!

And in case you have never seen the derby action, here is some footage of the november game of windy city rollers vs carolina!

Rock this shiz!

aka Tequila Mockingbird!