how does chicago welcome me back? tornadoes.....thanks chicago.
while Armageddon waged war on the city, gingerfoxxx made the best of it by bar hopping in between storm fronts! The one downside of hitting the taps when there is a tornado outside, is that it makes it a lot harder to leave when the creepy guys start to get a little too friendly!
We started the night by grabbing some jimmy johns and heading down to brew and view (i actually used my sandwich to flag a bus down! thanks jimmy john!) however as we were walking there, the rain began. cradling our sandwiches, we sought cover in the vic. but what do we find? brew and view has been cancelled because of technical difficulties. we sat in the rain, eating our jimmy johns, and devising a new plan. we headed to big city tap to escape from the ever increasing rain. Big city was able to offer me $3 grey goose cocktails, but little else. This is where the storm reallllly started! within a few minutes all the satellites went out. I got a call from a friend on the southside who was cowering in her basement with no power trying to escape a tornado.
this shit just got real!
so of course we ordered one last drink and tried to figure a way out of this situation. While this anarchy was occurring outside, we were starting to get cornered by some of the creepy old regulars at the bar. unfortunately they flocked to my beautiful red hair like moths to a flame. i started to think i was better off with the tornado, when the A-bomb of bad pick-up lines was dropped. "do you want to go home with me and gang bang my girlfriend?"
no really, how

from there we headed to our last destination near the homestead. it was at this time we realized how bad the storm was! there were trees everywhere! all these cute little BMW's smashed to pieces. we even snapped some photos, and met some friendly little hipsters doing the same thing!
lemmings still had some PBR left (thank goodness!) however once we got in the storms came back with a vengeance! and so did the aggressive creepy guys! To summarize, i am pretty glad i had rachel by my side to scream at people and let them know sexual assault just dont fly. I am also thinking of hiring a body guard to accompany me from now on for all my bar excursions. preferably a tall handsome incredibly sexy bodyguard.
submit applications to thegingerfoxxx@gmail.com!!
and check out some pics of my beautiful city in ruins~ but rest assured, gingerfoxxx came out on top, she always does...
thats what she said!

Did they flock to your red hair like months to a flame, or did the men flock to you, "like moths to the flesh" as Hans the German karaoke star says?
Gingerfoxxx was just too hot for her own good last night. Too bad we ate the sandwiches and had nothing left to beat back the men with.
Oh, and I maintain that the storm was a manifestation of the city's disappointment about your imminent departure. Our pretty city is just acting out....
She did say that! I heard her!!!
Images of my parents house with the 60yr old tree on it to come...
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