Perez Hilton
this should come as a surprise to no one, but the one and only man in gingerfoxxx's life is and always will be perez hilton! I only dream that some day i can draw a penis on someone's photo in microsoft paint with such precision and finesse. No joke! just because this bitch rolls in adobe CS3 doesn't make it any easier to replicate those contours with a laptop track pad. *sigh* dare to dream.....
perez is like the cnn for people who are too important to be bothered with cnn. there was a plane crash? was lindsay lohan on it? NO? then what do i care!! a hurricane in texas? thats not important when madonna might be fucking a yankee! A YANKEE!
gingerfoxxx's advice for madonna? if your going to have an extra-marital affair, the least you could go for a chicago cub!!!!! i suggest Ryan Dempster, the cubbies ginger pitcher!
Which brings us to
Chicago Cubs
Despite wrigley field being the single largest gathering point for bros in the entire midwest, there is definately some charm to be found in $5 cups of old style and sitting in peanut shells. They have their amazing ginger pitcher ryan dempster, and unless you sit in the bleacher section, you are guaranteed a nice shady spot to help protect our delicate ginger skin. Plus i have been able to smuggle vodka in on numerous occasions, which is always a plus. my next challenge will be a martini glass.....
of course if drunken fratboys and standing in bro urine and rat feces is a little too low brow for your tastes, you can always watch the games at home on your flat screen HD TV, wearing stilletos and sipping champagne, and looking fabulous.
and looking fabulous brings us to our last item....
Lindsay Lohan!
lindsay is a role model for little ginger girls ever where! she went through a brief rough patch in her life, made some mistakes we hope she never repeats.....(blonde?? et tu brute??) but in the end, look at her now! she may not have much of an acting or singing career anymore, but doesnt she look hot? thats really all that matters in the end. and now all that ginger hotness has payed off, as our soon to be BFF lohan has found true love with her new lesbian partnet samantha ronsen!
gingerfoxx knows true love when she sees it, and believe me, this is the real deal! nothing says lasting commitment like matching bracelets and text messages!
so i guess things are looking up for our little lindsay, judging be the sales in her couture leggings line. i may not know much, but i do know this: $110 is totally acceptable for a pair of cotton leggings, and leggings, much like lindsay's love for samantha, will totally stand the test of time. those things never go out of style!
So lindsay, we're both fabulously ginger, and admired by many, so why aren't we teaming up to create the ultimate ginger duo? together we could be unstoppable.
in fact, to look at us side by side, gingerfoxxx is a push-up bra and a chanel bag away from being lindsay's twin sister!
so in summary, show ginger love this week to perez hilton, the chicago cubs, and lindsay lohan! <3<3<3
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