I would love to say that the reason i have been slacking on the posts lately is because i have been so studious lately. ACTUALLY, it is because i have been on the hunt for the perfect bikini! this is not a decision to rush into! i would sooner rush into a marriage than choose the wrong bikini. A husband can be divorced, but bad bikini pictures? those are forever.
Why oh why am i spending so much time bikini shopping you ask?? Other than my love of looking fabulous always, gingerfoxxx and co are going to mexico for spring break!! Bust out the sparkles and mini dresses, we are going to be hammered on tequila and dancing up a storm! I am also learning how to charm the local boys with my mastery of the spanish language!
"tus ojos son como las estrellas" (your eyes are like the stars) Yea, try to resist that one bitches!!
What's that? a spike in drug related crimes and kidnappings?? gingerfoxxx is not afraid. She just happens to be majoring in ninja.
Beware mexico, we will rock your face right off your face!
'Yo quiero cocaĆna.'
--I want cocaine. (Pretty easy!)
'Donde esta la pelea de gallos?'
--Where is the cockfight?
'Hay un malentendido con la policia. Necesito ir a la embajada Americana.'
--There is a misunderstanding with the police. I need to go to the embassy.
Don't you worry your pretty little ginger head about the blog. Concentrate on preparations for the "Gingerfoxxx Goes Global" tour 2009.
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