Thursday, June 23, 2011

ginger zombie

So i have been training for the half marathon....(i assure you, i am normally against extraneous movement of any kind unless it involves a cocktail in one hand and gaga beats in the background) But what can i say....Nike dri-fit is the new Chanel.

I digress. I have been training a little too hard as of late, and i think my body is going through alcohol withdrawl in need of a day off.

So i am taking it easy, doped up on meds, and spending some quality time with my bed. and a tub of fro-yo.

Since i basically feel like a zombie (and we know i love zombies!) i have decided to have a zombie movie marathon/rewatch the walking dead series.

As i was looking for a link to watch....i started thinking about ginger zombies....

why. have. i. never. thought. of. this. beforeeeee?????

low and behold....its too late...some one beat me to punch and claimed the web domain already...

Ginger Zombie However they have yet to do anything with it. The anticipation is killing me.....will it be about ginger actors in zombie movies? The subtle differences between ginger zombies and s.e. zombies? (standard edition zombies.) Will it be about lovely gingers who have fallen ill and look like zombies??? (because i have your first post RIGHT HERE)

ok, maybe the meds are kicking in. I will be back with news on Lilo and zombie flicks. And any other awesome gossip that might occur today.

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