The roller derby was fabulous, and gingerfoxxx is in total agreeance that blood IS the new pink. In fact, she has even dubbed herself a roller derby name: Tequila Mockingbird. I will sooo be trying out next season. Plus, there is something impressive about looking fabulous in kneepads and helmets. You would think its impossible, but if you go to one of the windy city rollers games this year, you will be impressed!
Check out all about the all women roller derby for schedule, players, and other cool stuff!
Talk derby to me
They also have flamboyant male cheerleaders that perform at half time. Check out the spandex booty shorts and the sweet moves!
They also have flamboyant male cheerleaders that perform at half time. Check out the spandex booty shorts and the sweet moves!
And in case you have never seen the derby action, here is some footage of the november game of windy city rollers vs carolina!
Rock this shiz!
aka Tequila Mockingbird!
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