Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A new job for gingerfoxxx!

Because sometimes you need a morning off from being a socialite!

The humanitarian that i am, i volunteered to serve beer at the hideout block party this past weekend! The steady flow of free beer and unrealistic sense of importance had nothing to do with it.

Needless to say there wasnt an endless line of people craving beer at 10 in the morning, so at least a couple hours were spent decorating our beer girl shirts, bartering beer for food, tshirts, buttons, etc, and of course periodically sampling the beer for quality control (hey! we care.)
Our shirts were so freaking sexy that three people wound up stopping us to stylize theirs! (perhaps gingerfoxxx is ready for her move into the fashion arena!) The best part was, more than 50% of the beer team was ginger! Check Kathy, another rocking ginger beer girl showing off her sexy '76 vespa. Total ginger style!

The Hideout Block Party was a raving success, which i think can only be attributed to the full force of ginger. Headlining the block party? Sexy songbird (and ginger!) Neko case! If you werent there (tragically not everyone can be as awesomely in style as myself) then sample some Neko Case tunes for yourself!

And if your looking for something a little faster check out israeli hardcore band Monotonix which also brought quite a crowd

that drummer is possibly the only person that rocks harder than i do!
But definately, what an awesome weekend, you better believe i will be their next year, serving beer to the common folks, representing the sexy gingers, and possibly debuting my fashion line of deconstructed shirts!

1 comment:

jessicaehorn said...

These pics are awesome! I love the one of Kathy, she is the the second best ginger (to you gingerfoxxx, of course)!