Friday, September 19, 2008

heads up, Lohan.....

Cocaine smugglers turn to subs

True story, when i first saw this headline i instinctively thought that the colombian drug dealers had decided to pedal sub sandwiches instead of cocaine. Just think, you would be finding jimmy john sandwiches in all the hottest night clubs. I think i need some sleep.

Any way, I just wanted to give a heads up to Lindsay Lohan so that she knows what this could mean! By using the subs, they are able to transport tons more cocaine than ever before. If its more readily available, the price of cocaine will start to drop. Once it becomes cheap, everyone will be able to afford it, and the "poor common folk" will be in their uncool dive bars doing their cheap ass coke, and then it wont be cool and elitist anymore!! What will happen to the celebutauntes if they cant express their superiority with expensive drugs??? anarchy i tell you, complete and utter anarchy.

If i were you, Lindsay i would head into the pacific armed with two jimmy john subs and beat those subs back before they destroy your elitism!

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