Sunday, July 19, 2009

Gingerfab birthday!

another fabulous year begins for the gingerfoxxx!  The theme to this years party was urban cowgirl!  yee haw! any excuse to wear red cowboy boots and a ruffled mini dress, curl my hair, go to a honky tonk, and drink cheap beer is
 a-ok by me!  The winner of the night is a toss up between ryan, who showed up in a leather cowboy hat, and aaron who wore a cowboy shirt, AND got the country band to sing me happy birthday.  Carols pub in uptown, you are officially my new favorite bar!  I just wish you were a little closer.  But it is open until 5 am, which makes the journey all the more worth while!  Apparantly there is honky tonk kareoke on thursdays as well.  a must!  Carols is definately a ginger approved establishment.  Especially if your a fan of pbr's and oldddd school country!

Also special shout out to these fabulously dressed dudes who were celebrating their friends birthday.  I love the matching shirts!  i am already getting ideas for next year!!

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Uh, just for the record, I got the ball rolling on having them sing to you!!! Aaron did have the follow-through, though. :)