Thursday, April 9, 2009

gingerfoxxx does minneapolis

No, no, its not porn sequel.  But actually, it was surprisingly close.  The intent of going to Minneapolis was not for sexy parties at all actually (you go to miami for that!)  It was for design, yea!  gingerfoxxx even got to present a panel on discussion on meaning!   such boringness though, most importantly i go to show off my ginger-fabulousness and network!  (my middle name isn't party for nothing!)  There was an awesome opening party at Worrell design.  The space was awesome, giant loft like, with exposed ceilings and what not.  you could almost envision people dancing on the balcony parts.  It would have been a perfect club.  Also, they had kegs of PBR ANDDDDD  red party cups.  this ginger was in heaven.  But most importantly, in her element!  Our group ended up meeting up with some design boys from kansas, and let me tell you, people know how to party in Kansas.  We ended up at a pub right across the street from where Brittany Spears was playing that night.  (love it!)  rumor has it she was even in our hotel!  We ended up ditching the pub for a more hipster friendly atmosphere.  Our hipster cries for cheap beers rang though the streets of minneapolis, but went unanswered.  So instead we ended up at a bro bar near the hotel.  But alas, gingerfoxxx can party anywhere.  it was a good night.

Surprisingly, the next day i was up bright and early looking charming and refreshed.  (even a few hours of sleep and a hangover trump not sleeping for three days and 10 hours on a time i fly first class bitches.) Day two involved being studious and focused.  Until happy hour.  The lady there made me dirty martinis!  Everyone knows that is gingerfoxxx's favorite drink!  She likes her boys and martini's the same - d-d-dirty, dirty.   After the dinner and awards and what not, there was some meandering in the hotel, and we ended up trying to find a bar some old friends of mine were at.  Sadly, we got lost, it started to freezing rain (i was in red heels dammit!)  and my phone died so i couldnt even find them.  We ended up back in the bro bar.  It was definately a good time.  Did i mention this bar had a make out room?  why don't ALL bars have that???  I didn't get a chance to use it, as i was too busy entertaining and drinking.  Next time for sure though.  After the bar closed (lame.  i miss chicago 5am bars)  (and tamale guy)  we went back to the hotel to party.  The details of what went down are a little hazy, but i distinctly recall being in a room with 5 naked boys.  I cant even imagine a believable scenario that could lead to that, but i assure, it happened.  Luckily, gingerfoxxx is pro boys and pro nudity, because other bitches couldn't handle that shit.  Needless to say, i decided to sleep there!  (i would post pics, but this is a family friendly blog)  (what the fuck am i talking about?  this is so not a family friendly blog, but not everyone neccessarily wants to see 5 boys doing the full monty, so you will just have to trust me)

****also, on the way back, we stopped at a mcdonalds that had the moonman statue.  remember that guy?  it was from, like, the mid-80's or something!!

Needless to say these things were learned this weekend - gingerfoxxx is by far the most fabulous ginger designer in the midwest.  Also, her middle name really is party.  Lastly, too many dicks on the dance floor, or surrounding her in general, not so much a problem.


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