still talking about zombies.
If you haven't seen wild zero, than stop what your doing right now and go watch it. Its a japanese zombie movie about a greaser punk band that battles zombie aliens with their electric guitar picks. I can't even make this stuff up! The band in the movie is a real band called guitar wolf, and i am absolutely in love with them. you mist experience wild zero.
Are you coming this weekend? If so, let's watch it then?
Ok, so at the book club, somehow it came up that one arguement for vegetarianism is to prepare for a zomebie invasion. Also, the couple hosting has an actual "zombie invasion plan," like how and where they will meet up and everything. AND they poked holes through my zombie invasion plan which is to go to Aaron's in Oak Park so he can protect me with his gun because in the event of a zombie invasion, I probably won't be able to drive.
why wouldnt you be able to drive? you could just run over the zombies in your cavalier....if anything, i think driving would be easier in the event of a zombie invasion........even if the zombies can drive, i bet they drive better than regular assholes.....
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