Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Here's to change! fabulous, fabulous change!

Lets talk about the real issues!

Michelle Obama's, my new first lady, dress on Tuesday night!  Now, a lot of people are having mixed reviews.  The dress is from Narcisco Rodriguez's spring '09 line.  

What do i think.  I love it!

I don't care what the rest of you think, but it was a bold and stylish choice, and if this is representative of the change to come, than the next 4 years are going to be fabulous and fashionable!  Gingers of america, you have a new role model!

***Most of the complaints are that it looks bulky compared to the runway version because of the cardigan and lower hemline.  Did you really expect the new first lady to slut it up?  geez people, it's not like she's Palin......

Hooray for the stylish Obama's, our country is saved!

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